
Snug-Alongs Plush Backpacks

Created by LittleSofts (by SunnyCritters)

Comfy, snuggly soft animal plush backpacks!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

SNUG-ALONGS PHOTO CONTEST!!! Enter your photos for a chance to win!!!!
7 months ago – Mon, Aug 05, 2024 at 11:51:47 AM

(Remember: You can join our discord to discuss the project, get more sneak peeks, etc!

🐾🐾🐾Meet Wolfgang and Biscuit, our new weighted wolves you can now adopt!🐾🐾🐾


Post your Snug-Alongs photos HERE ON OUR BACKERKIT COMMUNITY OR ON SOCIAL MEDIA with the tag #SnugAlongsLove enter YOUR PHOTOS for a chance to win!!!

This contest will run FOR TWO ENTIRE MONTHS so take your time getting your BEST SHOT!!!!!!!🐾

-----image text----
(August 4th ~ October 4th)
Multiple winners will receive a new Snug-Alongs of their choice
or one of your current Snug-Alongs for free (you'll be refunded your pledge)!

To enter:
1) Post your favorite Snug-Alongs photos you took to the Snug-Alongs Backerkit Community or any social media where you can @ us (Instagram Stories will not count as they vanish after 24 hours)
2) Use the tag #SnugAlongsLove and @ us to be formally entered!
3) You can enter as many times as you like over the course the contest!
4) Please make sure your Snug-Alongs has been properly fluffed and brushed for their entry photo -- photos will be judged on creativity and how cute or cool you make your Snug-Alongs look!

Backpacks are ARRIVING! + Issues so far (PLEASE READ!!)
8 months ago – Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 02:38:29 PM

(Remember: You can join our discord to discuss the project, get more sneak peeks, etc!

🐾🐾🐾Meet Wolfgang and Biscuit, our new weighted wolves you can now adopt!🐾🐾🐾

BACKPACKS ARE ARRIVING TO YOU ALL BIT BY BIT!! There is still a ton of fulfillment to go, so don't worry, your turn will come soon!!

Before we get into customer photos, here are a few issues that have come up so far:

This means they got pretty crushed out of shape, including crunched noses and ears in some cases. This issue should be temporary, and as air gets back into them it should go away entirely, but it doesn't make for a nice look right out of the bag and we know it can be disheartening to receive a plush that looks so scrunkled. We are working on getting more air into them before shipping to you, but it may be necessary to squish them a bit yourself, put them on a no-heat tumble cycle in the dryer, and/or brush on their fur to get them looking their very best.

Obviously we are working super hard to avoid any defective plushies being sent, but it slips past sometimes. If you notice a hole or tear in your backpack, or some other weird defect, just email [email protected] -- our fulfillment partners-- and we will have a new backpack sent to you right away! Of course there will be a b-grade sale later for anyone who wants upside down arms or a cheaper backpack that just needs a tear sewn up.

Raspberry's fluffy white ear tufts may arrive with some of the fabric on the edge looking crispy and brown. This is not dirt or glue; it is from the process of the fabric being cut with a hot knife, and it is not supposed to be left this way. It is a problem from the manufacturer that we will be speaking to them about. If you receive a Raspberry Red Panda with this issue, you can feel free to cut those fibers off AND/OR brush them out with a wire brush, or return it for a new one! Again, just just email [email protected] with any questions or issues.

We are dealing with roughly 12,000 backpacks and around 4000 customers, so there will be issues and I am so sorry if you win the unlucky lottery and get a disappointing issue with your backpack. However, I promise we will make it right for you! Just please be kind in your emails to us as we are a small team of human beings working around the clock on this project.

Luckily, most backpacks have been arriving without any issues!! Here are some customer photos so far! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR FEEDBACK AND KINDNESS AND PATIENCE!!!!

PS: To all who keep asking "when will they be back up for sale? I want more backpacks!" don't worry -- there'll be an announcement once we are ready!

(Remember: You can join our discord to discuss the project, get more sneak peeks, etc!

🐾🐾🐾Meet Wolfgang and Biscuit, our new weighted wolves you can now adopt!🐾🐾🐾

Fulfillment will begin shortly!
8 months ago – Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 10:34:59 AM

(Remember: You can join our discord to discuss the project, get more sneak peeks, etc!

🐾🐾🐾Meet Wolfgang and Biscuit, our new weighted wolves you can now adopt!🐾🐾🐾

This is the last time we will post this notice!!--> USPS is raising prices with no warning very very suddenly, which could cost this project up to a $10,000 loss in unexpected added shipping. It is about $2-3 a person. I will not be invoicing or demanding this payment from anyone, however, if you want to help out with the problem, please donate to us through Ko-fi (LINK HERE) or PayPal (LINK HERE). Again, this is not a requirement, we will not be keeping track of who donates and there will be no penalization for not contributing. Thank you!


Please keep in mind it will probably take a whole month to ship out all 4000 orders! We are all such a small team!

Questions such as "can you ship mine sooner? how long will it take? in what order will they be shipping?" are discouraged as the answers are simply no, we don't know, and random order!

Hope you are excited, and remember, once your backpack comes, please post photos!!!!!!!!!!

We also have new weighted wolf plushies up for adoption RIGHT NOW!! Go check them out!!!!


(Remember: You can join our discord to discuss the project, get more sneak peeks, etc!


Snug-Alongs production updates for July!!! THEY'RE ALMOST HERE!!!!!!
8 months ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 03:49:22 PM

(Remember: You can join our discord to discuss the project, get more sneak peeks, etc!

🐾🐾🐾Many plush available right now at LittleSofts main shop!🐾🐾🐾

(Small sad update: USPS is raising prices with no warning very very suddenly, which could cost this project up to a $10,000 loss in unexpected added shipping. It is about $2-3 a person. I will not be invoicing or demanding this payment from anyone, however, if you want to help out with the problem, please donate to us through Ko-fi (LINK HERE) or PayPal (LINK HERE). Again, this is not a requirement, we will not be keeping track of who donates and there will be no penalization for not contributing. Thank you!)



....that's the whole update!!!!!!!!!

Snug-Alongs production updates for June (Part 2)!!!!!!!! (+USPS Price Hike Information)
9 months ago – Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 09:44:21 AM

(Remember: You can join our discord to discuss the project, get more sneak peeks, etc!

🐾🐾🐾Many plush available right now at LittleSofts main shop!🐾🐾🐾

(Small sad update: USPS is raising prices with no warning very very suddenly, which could cost this project up to a $10,000 loss in unexpected added shipping. It is about $2-3 a person. I will not be invoicing or demanding this payment from anyone, however, if you want to help out with the problem, please donate to us through Ko-fi (LINK HERE) or PayPal (LINK HERE). Again, this is not a requirement, we will not be keeping track of who donates and there will be no penalization for not contributing. Thank you!)

That being said...


If they are not held up by customs, they should begin to ship in early August! Make sure your address is CORRECT by logging into your Backerkit account and checking your survey.

Just a small timeline to hopefully eliminate some questions:

July: Backpacks are on their way to me. It takes about a month.

Early-Mid August:
We will begin sending your orders to you! This is all orders, USA and international, Snug-Alongs and BeanBuds, backers and preorders. There is no specific order and they will be fulfilled over several weeks so don't panic if you see someone got their order and yours didn't come yet.

Mid-Late August: We will re-open orders for the Snug-Alongs for all who missed out!

Again, this timeline is only in effect if the order is not held by customs, which in the past when it occured, has caused delays of up to 2 months. I will be the most sorry sack of potatoes if this happens, suffering more than anyone else involved, so if it does occur, please be kind and patient and know it is out of our control. Hopefully, it doesn't happen.

See you then!

(Remember: You can join our discord to discuss the project, get more sneak peeks, etc!

🐾🐾🐾Many plush available right now at LittleSofts main shop!🐾🐾🐾